Noah Polipnick

Account Executive @ TransPerfect

Community Outreach and DEI — Assistant Vice President
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Noah Polipnick is an Account Executive at TransPerfect, a global leader in language and translation services. In his role, he focuses on increasing accessibility and outreach for marketing agencies, medical providers, and nonprofits. With a strong background in marketing, sales, nonprofit leadership, and public speaking, Noah brings a process-oriented mindset to his work. He enjoys analyzing and deconstructing processes to better understand their purpose, method, and goals, ensuring continuous improvement and efficiency.

Noah graduated from Saint John’s University in 2021 with a double major in Global Business Leadership and Fine Arts Management. He currently serves as Co-President of the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of the Twin Cities and as Marketing Coordinator for the CSB+SJU Young Alumni Committee.

In his personal life, Noah enjoys hosting friends, baking cookies, watching birds with his cat, and biking the scenic trails of Minneapolis. Family and friends remain central to his life and are a constant source of joy and inspiration.

Connect with Noah on LinkedIn!